Impacts on measure

The main points that can affect to the correct measurement of a volume of water by a watermeter are the followings:

SIZING >> The Qn flow has to be adjusted always to the real installation consumption.

  • Negative effects: Meter records outside the optimum working range.

INSTALLATION >> Follow the manufacturer's instructions, the letters H or V indicates the installation position. Its absence indicates that the meter can be installed in any position. The meter has been designed to be installed just in a certain way.

  • Negative effects: Meter metrology makes worse.

TYPE OF WATER >> Hardness and turbidity affect the meter. Select the most appropriate type.

  • Negative effects: Especially it's affected the long term sensitivity.

WATER HAMMER >> It creates overpressure and material fatigue. Take particular care on watermeter commissioning.

  • Negative effects: rips and deformations.

AIR >> Presence of air in the pipes can cause an overspeed. During installation cleaning and drainage must be ensured before commissioning.

  • Negative effects: meter bearings and shafts may be damaged.

SHOCKS >> Water meters are measuring instruments. Shocks or falls can damage meter internal components.