Requirements and Recommendations

Disponer de un Sistema de Aseguramiento de la Calidad según ISO 9000 certificado por organismo reconocidoDisponer de Número de Registro de Control Metrológico (Ley 3/85)
Disponer de las Aprobaciones de Modelos realizadas en organismos acreditados que ofrezcan garantíaHabilitación de laboratorio para verificación primitiva (RD 1617/1985)
Garantías de fabricante:

  • Fabricación, diseño y componentes: Anfagua recomienda al menos dos años.

  • Metrológica: No puede ser predeterminada por el fabricante, debido a que depende de aspectos de uso: manipulación, tipo de instalación, calidad del agua, tipo de consumo, etc.
Verificación periódica de los sistemas de calibración por la autoridad metrológica (RD 1617/1985 art. 2º)
Registros de fabricación a disposición de la inspección metrológica (RD 1617/1985 art. 21º)
Marcado del contador correcto (RD 1616/1985 ó RD 597/1988)
Marcado de verificación primitiva (RD 1617/1985 art. 20º)
Trazabilidad del producto (RD 1617/1985 art. 21º)
  • Keeping the meter full

    Install in the lowest position and bleed air.

  • Minimum pressure

    30 KPa (0.3 bar) downstream according to Standard UNE-EN 14154-1

  • Clean piping

    Free of solids and dirt

  • Correct position

    Horizontal or vertical according to manufacturer's specifications

  • Flow stability

    Use reducers if pressure disturbers are present

  • Valves

    Install before and after the meter, respecting distances.

  • Joint centering

    To avoid obstructions and measurement disturbances

  • Filters

    Place upstream to protect the meter

  • Anti-returns

    Install downstream of the meter

  • Disruptive elements

    Place downstream to reduce flow impact

In any case, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Straight Lengths for Meter Installation

MID meters with the U0D0 specification(U = Upstream = Upstream, D = Downstream = Downstream, 0 = zero straight runs) do not require straight runs upstream or downstream of the meter.

In case they are needed, each manufacturer specifies the straight lengths required before and after the meter depending on the disturbances existing in the installation. In the event that this information cannot be obtained, the following tables are provided as a guideline

Válvula todo/nada o de regulación0 - 3 x D Aguas abajo
Válvulas de regulación10 - 20 x DAguas arriba
Cambio de dirección y T's
Cambio de dirección y plano15 - 20 x D
Bombas centrífugas
Reducciones0 - 10 x D (convergente)
10 - 15 x D (divergente)
Filtros3 - 12 x D

D = Diameter of the meter

To ensure the correct measurement of a meter throughout its service life, it is subjected to the following checks:

Primitive Verification

The primary verification is a set of tests performed by the manufacturer to ensure that the meter complies with current regulations and guarantees the quality and accuracy of the measurement.
It is mandatory and the meter must bear marks confirming that it has passed these tests.

Meters manufactured before November 2016, must have the primitive verification marks (VP) on their totalizer in order to be installed and bill water. Meters manufactured after this date must comply with the new European MID regulations and must have the CE marking and the metrology marking silk-screened on their totalizer in order to be able to bill water.

Periodic Verification

Currently, the ICT155 standard defines the useful life of the meter as 12 years, allowing for the extension of this useful life. Periodic verification evaluates the meter after a period of use to verify its accuracy and condition. It allows to know if it still complies with the requirements or if it has reached the end of its useful life.

Verification After Repair

After a repair, the original seals are replaced by the repair seals.
Subsequent verification ensures that the meter again complies with the regulations in force, according to the legislation of each autonomous region.
This verification after repair is regulated in the new revision of the ICT155 regulations.
Sizing: Adjust the size to the actual consumption.

<b>Negative effect:</b> Measurement out of the optimum zone

Installation: Mount correctly according to H, V or any position.

<b>Negative effect:</b> Poorer accuracy.

Water type: Hardness and turbidity reduce accuracy with time.

<b>Negative effect:</b> Lower sensitivity.

Water hammer: Beware of overpressure.

<b>Negative effect:</b> breakage and deformation.

Air: Purge well.

<b>Negative effect:</b> Damage to components.

Shocks: Avoid impacts.

<b>Negative effect:</b> Internal damage.